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'O' Majority: Second Edition


It's 2040 and the world is addicted to opioid drugs. Overdose deaths are mounting at an alarming rate. In the USA, the drugs are being controlled by the 'O' MAJORITY, an organization that includes big pharma, big business, corrupt doctors, and over half the Washington, D.C. politicians, including the President and the First Lady. Money, power and, of course, the seduction of the drugs are the motivators for the poisonous scheme. The latest atrocity is the development of an opioid-laced soft drink that has widespread and unregulated distribution, cynically targeting the youth of America. The resistance movement to destroy the opioid conspiracy is spearheaded by the combined forces of the SLEEPING DRAGON and the DISCIPLES of TOMORROW. When the 'O' MAJORITY begins deliberately murdering the rebels, they fight back with strength and determination. Across the USA, the battle begins, wages and ends with apocalyptic results.

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