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Me Too" Time Is Up! Women Have Not been Heard! From the earliest days of America to today. Women have been at the forefront of movements against sexual violence and rape. The men who use their power to take what they want from women. But it comes centuries late for America's original victims of sexual exploitation: all women, who suffered horribly, in forced silence, back in the day when it was considered quite all right.

The recent cultural reckoning over sexual assault and harassment has highlighted the dangers women face in workplaces throughout Hollywood, media organizations and in public office. The growing number of accusations has put a spotlight on high-profile men's abuse of power many times with all women. When these accusations against theses powerful men came to light, it really again reminded me that we haven't been talking about some of these figures who are in our popular culture that have been accused of preying on women for decades. If we're willing to include more women, we need to be talking about the abusers that go on in sectors like restaurant workers, domestic help. Because again, what ties all of this together, regardless of income, regardless of status, regardless of color, really is about the abuse of power.

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