The story opens with Jennifer Wells being struck by a strange blue light that knocks her unconscious. When she wakes she finds herself lying on a cold stone floor in a cave and being stared down at by a young brunet girl dressed in strange clothes. After some confusing questions she is told and shown that she is an elf called Shannon Brightstar and that they were sent here into the cave to find a box containing an ancient magic and bring it to her mother. Jennifer is also told that there is an evil druid named Malodor who is also searching for this magic to use against the people of Aan and enslave them. As they reach Storr, Shannon’s mother tells the two girls that they have to bring the box to Shannon's aunt in Caldor. It is a perilous journey, which puts them in great danger as they head on to a volcano called the Dragons Mouth on their way they meet new friends who help the girls in their quest. Even with the added friends the journey is still wrought with danger as they come up against a demon, many Orcs, and other perils. In the end they manage to fill the quest and return home triumphant, but loose one dear new friend in the final battle against the druid.
The Dragon's Mouth (The Last Mage)