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Create a new world incorporating dragons, super heroes or sorcerers. Imagine a new world with its own geography, rules and customs. Make your characters like real people, with their own feelings, ideas, personalities and flaws, just like in the real world.

In fantasy writing, “show, don’t tell” becomes even more necessary. Create a world where your readers are drawn into this fantasy place. Even fantasy worlds have rules, and the magic used in it must seem realistic too.

Think spells and sorcerers, conflict, and castles. The hero is the most important character in the story. He must take on the villain or monster and defeat it. Give the hero a love interest to make it more interesting. Have an older figure train and advise the hero, someone like Merlin.

Create an evil beast who wants to destroy the world. Make the hero come up against it and in the end, defeat the beast. Let your imagination run wild, and have fun with it. After all, this is the world that you create, unlike that of anyone else.

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